Opportunities for St Agatha's students to prepare and receive the sacraments of Confirmation, First Eucharist and Reconciliation are provided by the Clayfield Catholic Parish each year. The Parish Sacramental Preparation Programs are pastoral activities involving the family and parish. The school encourages and supports students in their preparation for these sacraments through the school's teaching and learning of Religious Education.
Faith is primarily nurtured in the family and it is for this reason that the Church recognises parents as best qualified to decide their child's readiness to participate in the process of preparation. Parents are intimately involved in their children's lives and are crucial in developing their lives through love, forgiveness, faith, and hope. It is for this reason that parents actively guide their child through their sacramental preparation. The immediate preparation before the celebration of a sacrament is an opportunity for faith to be shared in the family.
The St Agatha's Parish office and sacramental team coordinate sacramental preparation providing, resources, parent meetings, support, and encouragement to families. The St Agatha's Parish Sacramental program includes:
In the year when the children turn eight (Year 3), they are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
In the year when the children turn nine (Year 4), they are welcomed to the Lord's Table and receive First Holy Communion (Sacrament of Eucharist).
In the year when the children turn ten (Year 5), they prepare for the Sacrament of Penance with individual confession and absolution (the first rite)
Notification of the St Agatha's Parish Sacramental Preparation Program is published via the School Newsletter and the Parish Newsletter. Parents are asked to carefully consider the seriousness and commitment involved in the preparation of your child/children to become fully initiated members of the Catholic Church. If you any queries regarding the Parish's Sacramental program, please call the Parish Office on 3262 2859.
© Archdiocese of Brisbane (2023)