In alignment with the BCE Gifted Education Position Statement: Catholic Education Archdiocese of Brisbane and the 2019 Alice Springs Declaration we acknowledge the diversity, gifts and talents that all our students bring to their learning at St Agatha's. Brisbane Catholic Education Learning and Teaching Framework underpins St Agatha's beliefs and understandings of the most effective teaching and learning.
St Agatha's maintains high expectations and strives to provide enriching and supportive challenges for all our learners. To achieve this teachers work closely with the St Agatha's Learning Enrichment Team to differentiate the curriculum for all learners. Some adults may be familiar with a model where students were previously withdrawn from the majority of the class however, research indicates that differentiating the curriculum for students within the whole class with the support or co teachers to be highly effective.
For a student consistently achieving above the expected year level or for those being challenged by the expected year level curriculum, in collaboration with the class teacher, our experienced Learning Enrichment Team is able to:
Engage in planning discussions to identify opportunities for curriculum differentiation.
Co-Plan, Co-Teach, Co-Debrief and Co-Reflect with classroom teachers.
Offer appropriate screening and testing to gather further insight into the child's learning profile.
Work with a whole class, small groups or with an individual inside or outside of the classroom for either extension or support.
Facilitate broader extension and support opportunities throughout the year such as the University of NSW International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) and Minilit Reading Intervention Program.
The Brisbane Catholic Education Gifted education Position Statement has defined a gifted child as being one:
who performs or who has the ability to perform at a level significantly beyond his or her chronologically aged peers
and whose unique abilities and characteristics require special provisions and social and emotional support from the
family, community and educational context..
Our Learning Enrichment Team works in close collaboration with students, teachers, parents, school guidance counsellor, principal, various Catholic Education consultants and external professionals to ensure the best possible learning outcomes for all students.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Agatha's Primary School (2023)