Fundraising Policy


St Agatha's School engages in fundraising activities for purposes associated with the resourcing the school itself and for outside bodies and groups.

​As Catholic schools are part of the mission of the church, it is appropriate that they engage in social action and social justice activities which are both educative and practical in outcomes.  Such activities should occur within the structures, ethos and teachings of the Catholic Church.



St Agatha's School ensures that students, staff and families are offered opportunities to engage in social action and social justice activities.

Preference in fundraising is always given to official agencies of the Catholic Church.


It is expected that St Agatha's school supports Caritas Australia (Project Compassion in particular), Catholic Mission (Children's Mission Day in particular) and the St Vincent de Paul Society.  These agencies support different aspects of the church's mission and they time their appeals so as not to conflict with each other during the school calendar.  Support for appeals that assist Centacare (the welfare arm of the Archdiocese of Brisbane) should also be promoted whenever possible.


Any group within the school, including class groups and P&F wanting to fundraise for an organisation, agency or purpose must first assess the organisation's validity using the criteria below. The School Leadership Team will then consider the request if the criteria has been addressed.

  • Is the philosophy of the organisation in accord with gospel values and Catholic Social Teaching?
  • Is the organisation associated with the Catholic Church and its ethos?  If not, is there a Catholic organisation engaged in similar activity that could be supported?
  • Does the activity lend itself to an educational focus –raising awareness as well as funds
  • Does the activity assist students to participate in and understand the Mission of Jesus and the Church?
      • Are there high-quality educational resources to support the activity which promote students' understanding of poverty and marginalisation?
      • Is the fundraising undertaken in a context of spirituality and prayer?
      • is the organisation accountable for its use of funds including administration costs?
      • does the organisation tie the use of funds to religious or political affiliation or purposes?
      • are those involved in the decision-making and administrative processes aware of the aims, background and authenticity of those receiving their donations?


    It is important to note that funds raised for an organisation or purpose must be given to that organisation or purpose. They cannot be diverted to another purpose after they are raised. ​


Official agencies of the Catholic Church which should be supported by all schools include:
Caritas Australia ( is the Church's official aid development agency.  The major fundraising each year is Project Compassion coordinated during Lent.
Contact:          Diocesan Director
                       2nd Floor, The Catholic Centre
                       143 Edward Street
                       (GPO Box 9830)
                       Brisbane  Qld  4000
                       Ph: 3336 9412
                        Global Education Advisor
                       1st Floor, The Catholic Centre
                       143 Edward Street
                       (GPO Box 2441)
                       Brisbane  Qld  4000
                       Ph: 3369 3309

Catholic Mission ( is the international mission and agency of the Church.  The major fundraising for each year is during the month of October.
Contact:          Diocesan Director
                       3rd Floor, The Catholic Centre
                       143 Edward Street
                       (GPO Box 543)
                       Brisbane  Qld  4000
                       Ph: 3336 9239
                       Mission Education Officer
                       3rd Floor, The Catholic Centre
                       143 Edward Street
                       (GPO Box 543)
                       Brisbane  Qld  4001
                       Ph: 3336 9239

The St Vincent de Paul Society (​.​) is the largest lay organisation within the Catholic Church and the largest provider of assistance to those in need in Australia.  The major fundraisings for each year are the Winter Appeal (June) and the Christmas Appeal (November-December).
Contact:    Manager,  Schools, Adults, Special Support and Youth Team
 St Vincent de Paul Society
 10 Merivale Street
 (PO Box 3351)
 South Brisbane  Qld   4101
 Ph: 3010 1002

The Archbishop's Centacare Appeal is conducted throughout the Archdiocese (parishes and schools) twice yearly.  Proceeds from this appeal assist with costs associated with hospital chaplains in every public hospital in the Archdiocese, Prison Ministry, Seafarers' Welfare, Murri Ministry and Aids Education. 
Contact:    Director, Fundraising Services
 Archdiocese of Brisbane
 143 Edward Street (GPO Box 282)
 Brisbane  Qld   4000
 Ph: 3336 9282



BCE Fundraising Policy - ​