The school supports the Parish Sacramental programme. Enrolment is the responsibility of the parents. Parents, as ‘first and foremost educators in the faith’ prepare their children for the sacraments, using a parish supplied text, and by attending parent evenings as required. Sacramental catechesis is undertaken in classrooms at levels appropriate to the students’ development.
Families enrol for the Sacramental Programme during the year their child is in Yr 2. Towards the end of the year, they complete the parish preparation programme booklets and celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Reconciliation Preparation
Theme |
Content |
Enrolment Weekend |
1st Parent Meeting
7:30pm |
- Information evening
- Distribution of materials
1. Belonging |
- “Special” belonging to a family.
- “Special” belonging to the Church community.
2. Making Choices |
- We have the ability to make choices
- Our choices affect others.
- Responsibility.
3. Reconciliation |
- Our need to admit sin.
- Saying we are sorry.
- Seeking forgiveness.
- Working at making up.
4. Sacrament of Penance |
- Understanding and appreciating the gifts of God’s forgiving love as celebrated in the Sacrament of Penance through a Rite of Reconciliation.
- Family rituals for making up.
- Return Children’s Workbooks
Children’s Meeting
3:30pm |
Sacrament of Penance
(First Reconciliation) 7pm |
Sacrament of Penance (First Reconciliation)
7pm |
Early in the year the child is in Year 3, parents attend evenings for Confirmation and Eucharist Preparation and again complete parish preparation booklets in readiness for the celebrations of Confirmation and Eucharist on Pentecost or Trinity Sundays.
Confirmation/Eucharist Preparation
1. Naming and Call |
- Importance of own name
- God knows us by name.
2. Promises |
- Promises are important.
- God always keeps promises.
- Renewing baptismal promises.
3. Hands |
- Hands are gifts from God.
- Blessing and healing hands of Jesus.
- Laying on of hands.
4. Oil |
- Anointing with oil as a symbol of special purpose.
- Chrism at Baptism and Confirmation
- Holy Spirit is present.
Eucharist Themes |
Content |
1. Gathering |
- Gathering for special reasons.
- Jesus promised to be with us when we gather in his name.
- Jesus is with us when we gather at Mass to receive communion.
2. Listening |
- Listening is important.
- Messages can change our lives.
- The message in the word of God invites us to respond.
3. Eating |
- We share more than food at a meal.
- Experience a celebratory meal.
- Jesus shared meals with his friends.
- Eucharist is a special meal in which we remember Jesus.
4. Going Forth |
- We have a special call to work with Christ to spread the Good News.
- At Mass, we are sent forth to love and serve the Lord.
Pentecost Sunday Celebration:
Trinity Sunday Celebration: